Success Stories
16 year old Yvonne, a young mother of two children came to Reynolds Home when relatives refused to continue to provide care. She graduated from high school while at the shelter and then went into the Reserves for 6 months after having found a temporary home for the children during this time. On return from military training, she was still homeless and needed Reynolds Home for a short period of time until she could find a job. With a job and her small military income, now 19 years of age, she pays rent in her own apartment and daycare for her children.
Marisela is a young mother of two children who needed shelter because of domestic violence. She was able to learn English, and started taking college courses. She now works, pays for her own apartment and continues to study. She is still involved with Reynolds Home where she tutors children at the shelter.
Seventeen year old Stacy had been kicked out of her parent’s home and had been bouncing from one friend’s home to another until she had no more options. She decided that she wanted to get into the Job Corps, but needed a stable residency before they would consider her application. She moved into Reynolds Home where she was assisted with the application process, and with tracking down all necessary documents. She was provided transportation to and from appointments and within 6 weeks was accepted. She now visits Reynolds Home residents where she continues to receive emotional encouragement and has a place to hang out on weekends with friends who want her to succeed.
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Community Bring Hope in 2022
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